#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter

0.1 Butter, 1.0 Butter Daddy, 0.1 Stinger poss het Daddy and 1.0 Butter Spider Daddy hatched from this clutch

This clutch came from my Stinger Het Daddy male to my Butter Female… you can see the distinct difference between the Butter and Butter Daddy and the lack of Melanin (Black Pigment) on the Daddy as with the Butter Spider Daddy…

I love the Rich Cream colour againt the Brown striping on the Butter Spider Daddy male… So amazing how the Daddy gene compliments Lessers and Butters so well, I really can’t wait to produce some more Daddy combos…

  • Laid:
    24 Jun 2014
  • Hatched:
    23 Aug 2014
  • Clutch size:
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter Sire


#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter Dam


Clutch Gallery:

#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter
#5 Stinger Het Daddy x Butter